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Excel Webinar 2024!

  • What is a Range?

  • Using the Range to Calculate

  • Fill Series

  • Absolute Reference

  • IF Function

  • Adding Totals between Two Workbooks

  • Print Gridlines

  • Set Printing to Landscape

  • Set Print Area to Print

  • Build a Macro

  • Flash Fill

  • Speak Cells

  • Count Number of Employees


  • SUMIF and SUMIF multiple criteria

  • Charts

  • Calculating Total Wages


McNeese State University
"SEED Center"

We are a Computer Training Center specializing in Microsoft Excel, Word, and Outlook "Online" to accommodate everyone! Learn how to qualify for the jobs of the Future! I will teach you online to make it easy for you or in my Classroom or The McNeese State University SEED Center!

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Microsoft Excel is a necessity in the Workforce of today, and no longer an "option"! Organization of data is a must and is surely a way to impress the boss. It is not only a way to put names and addresses into an organized Worksheet, it is also a way to setup tracking and calculating of important data for a detailed summarization. Your work within these Workbooks must be precise!


To be a part of the future, you must be able to be a part of the NOW! Each and every day that you put off the necessary computer training, you lessen the chances of being hired in the Workforce of Today!​

Not only do you need to work hard when you do have a job, you need to work hard to KEEP your job! Loyalty means a lot to a company but it can almost seal your employment if you use Word, Excel, and Outlook proficiently

We look forward to helping people in the Workforce progress to the Future! If we don't, the new multi-billion dollar industry will be forced to hire "outsiders", so to speak...

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